Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blog #20

To me it seems like the TV media likes to display the idea of the ideal man and woman. Most of these examples come from commercials. A lot of the commercials are soap of shampoo commercials that portray a naked man or woman. These commercials are made to get the attention of the people watching the TV so they can sell more of their project. Some news channels get bored and have nothing to report about so they start talking about American obesity. In these reports they show pictures of obese individuals walking down a sidewalk eating a cheeseburger or something. They try to explain how we need to eat healthy and loose weight so we live longer. This goes the same with weight loss commercials trying to sell their products. They like to show pictures of their clients before and after they use the weight loss products. One more thing that I can think of is like a bowflex commercial that shows men and women that are fit and toned with a nice body. With this they can portray what the ideal person should look like.

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