Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Entry 14

"One day at school, your teacher comes into the classroom, places a box on the floor, and leaves the room. Suddenly, the box begins to move. Write a story about what happens next."

She was 12 minutes late. She came into class once again with that raggedy old sweater but this she had something in her hands. It was a box. She walks with that creepy old limp up to the front of the room. Standing 5 foot tall she is not a pretty sight. She takes the small box and sets it on the floor in the front of the room and proceeds to the door. As she is walking at the door she turns around with a small smirk on her face. After she exits the class sits and wonders. The class sat for about 7 minutes all alone and out of nowhere they heard a thump. It was the box the box was starting to move more and more until finally...................... a bunny pops out.

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