Thursday, September 30, 2010

Entry Number 9

This week is homecoming week. I have done nothing to participate just because I don't really care. I am going to the dance though. I am taking two girls, Chris and Alison, I'm gonna be like a big pimp. Whats funny is that I'm wearing all camouflage. I went to Dick's Sporting Goods and found some camouflage dress clothes. I'm probably gonna be broke by Sunday, oh well. I hope we win the football game even though I won't be there, I gotta work.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Entry 8

This right here is my dream house. I'll be living high on the hog in this place. With a creek going through the backyard and holes in the roof, nobody will have one like it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Entry 7 September 21

Anyone who can walk to the welfare office can walk to work.
Al Capp

I strongly agree with this quote. I think that almost anyone who gets a welfare check doesn't need it. I think that they need to quit being lazy and get a job. What kind of person are you if you can't keep yourself alive and functioning by yourself. But instead you let the government do it for you. Nobody in this whole world would need a welfare check if they weren't lazy. GET A JOB it's very easy. The same goes for most homeless people. Quit living on the streets and begging off everybody that walks by. I know some people can't get a job because they don't have a home but they at least need to make some money somehow and get a place to live. I think one of a homeless person's problems is that they have addictions. They need to lay off the alcohol and drugs and they would have more money.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

September 16th Entry 6
City Curfew

I don't think our town needs a curfew on high school students. People should be able to be out at whatever time they want. Its called freedom people, we should get to come and go whenever we please. Things that need curfews are cops. Cops should be out of town by eight-o-clock. With cops out of town it will make life more fun. They can stay on duty all night they just need to stay at the office eating doughnuts and drinking coffee. (This reminds me of when I was in florida I had seen a cop at the Dunkin Doughnuts drive-thru.)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September 15th, Entry 4 prompt number 211

I am a sock. I am a clean sock. There is something wrong though, I am in the hamper. I don't know what my owner is thinking. He must be on something I was in his dresser and he just took me out and threw me in the dirty clothes pile. I don't know if he has a problem with me or what but he needs to say it to my face, instead of throwing me in with the dirty clothes. I am not a happy sock right now. I feel physically and emotionally hurt. I hope when he gets home from school he realizes the mistake he's made and puts me back in the dresser with my matching sock partner.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

September 9th Entry 4

Can failure lead to success or is failure simply its own experience?

I think that failure can lead to success. If you make a mistake you will learn from it and if you try again to get it wright you may find success instead of failure. This can portray to a game where if your lose your lives you are able to restart the game and try again for success.