Thursday, May 12, 2011

Entry 36

I really don't know what to write about. Ugh I keep wanting to write like I'm texting!
i relly dont no wht to rite about. ugh i keep wnting to rite like im txting! - Much easier lol

But yeah, umm I don't know. I guess everybody was talking about the Guinness world records with like the worlds smallest man.

I'm surprised that no teachers have asked me to change my shirt today. I says Jack Daniels in big ol letters across the back. Whateves I just can't wait for the weekend to get here, I got me some partying to do. SOOOOOOOOO BOOOOOOORRRRREEEEEDDDDDD. ThE eNd

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Entry 35

Well this weekend pretty much sucked. All I did was work. I didn't have any time to hang with my friends, so yeah.
Hopefully this summer will be really fun. All I plan on doing is work, party, fish, and relax. I really can't wait to get back on the river, even though that will most likely happen before summer break, and try my new boat out. I'm not going to be used to my new boat because it's wider than my last one. The other one was really narrow and this one is a double-wide. It's also carpeted and everything! But yeah now I don't know what to write about so i guess, Stay Classy San Diego.

Dillan Sackett
Dill Sack
Rack Sack
(All my different names)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Entry 34

Well...................... Oh Spring Break. I am very excited. It's probably going to consist of sleep, fishing, and my girlfriend, oh and work. I'm really ready to get back on the river. Summer is about all I'm looking forward to. I'm ready to party and not have to worry about school. Summer has to be my favorite time of year, even though I love snow, because its very relaxing and it's like three months of straight fun.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Entry 33

Welp I don't know what to write about..........

Oh, well I'm going up to Hoge's tonight because I got my boat motor up there. I need to sell it. I put my old boat on craigslist and sold it the first night I had it on there. Then the next day I went and bought a new boat. I sold mine for 300 and I need another 100 to pay off the new one. Thats why I took my motor up there. It's okay that I'm selling that one though because I already have another one that I bought a couple years ago.

I can't wait till summer. I need to get out of this place and get back out on the water, fishing and partying, and stuff. Every day during the summer that I don't have to work I'm either fishing, riding four-wheelers, or sleeping. (Notice you didn't see the word school (That's the main reason I want summer break!))

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Entry 32

Well today I looked online to the Des Moines Register and didn't find much that I was interested in. Some headlines though were- Critics: Iowa terror drill portrays immigration foes as killers, Bomb threat empties Indianola school; police say it's not credible. I really don't know what to write about them, these are just the headlines that stuck out to me.

Uhhh these stupid papers on Tash's computer are annoying the hell out of me rubbing on my wrists. I'm bout to ripe 'em off.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Entry 31

The once was a Mexican king named El Cameron. El Cameron had many concubines that he hid under his silk counterpanes. When his wife found out about these women she was not euphoric at all, she told El Cameron that they were getting a divorce. After working out all the subtle details on who gets what El Cameron was galvanized that she left him because she was a b***h anyways. Long live El Cameron!

Stay Classy San Diego

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Entry 30

I like Cameron's idea. "Blog about how much you hate blogging." It's the perfect idea.
Well I hate bogging a lot, that's about all I can say. On a scale of 1 to 10, ten being hated the most, it would probably be an 8. I could probably think of ten things I'd rather do than blog,
1. Leave School
2. Can't say this one
3. Or this one
4. This one either
5. Party
6. I think I would rather go to work
7. Take a nap
8. Watch TV
9. Go Hunting
10. Go Fishing

Yeah Blogging Pretty Much sucks!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Entry 29

Well, I finally got my tires back on my truck yesterday. Last week when we got a little snow I slid into a curb in town a broke on of my rims. After many trips back and forth I finally got them on yesterday. What's funny about it is that I didn't even put the ones on that I was going to. My uncle called me yesterday and said for 50 bucks I can have for new tires and rims from a guy in Troy. So I went over and got those. But now I gotta make another trip back to Marion to get all the tires and rims that I never used.

Can't wait for summer. I wanna get out of school and start the partying again. Sit down in a lawn-chair by the fire, shoot guns, and watch the Confederate flag fly.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Entry 28

Writing prompt 216. Write from the point of view of the last standing tree in the forest.

Well here I am, all alone now. I'm the last tree here. What was a 250 acre forest is now just me. I'm surrounded by all of the cut down trees who used to be my friends. Even the 300 year old red oak is now gone. I don't know why the loggers left me standing. I'm a very tall pine tree that would bring a lot of money for them. But as the days go by I see my fallen friends go one by one loaded on a truck and taken to the mill. There's nothing I can do now, just grow I guess.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Entry 27

Well I wasn't really paying attention to what we are suppose to write about because I was bored. The bits and pieces that I gathered though said that what do we think If we hear a different accent, or something like that. To me it all depends on what kind of accent it is, mostly because I'm a little racist. If its a British, Australian, or Southern accent I will most likely like it and listen to what they are saying. If it is like an Indian, Ebonics, Chinese, or Spanish accent I will most likely not even want to hear it and I'll probably make fun of them. Everyone has their own opinions on what they like to hear but this is mine. Also if someone has a bad lisp or speech impediment lots of people will make fun of them for not being able to speak like a normal person.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Entry 26

"That was a sweet shot!! Sackett me!"
Dillan- a confused white boy who thinks he is black. Also known as a wigga.
I couldn't search my middle name, it was blocked.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Entry 25

Sentences. Sentences. Sentences. What to write? What to write? Oh, I know, I already have sentences. Just whip out the old Word of the Day paper here.

Romeo and Juliet had a clandestine meeting.
Haley is an assiduous worker.
The priest of of "The Rite" had to atone for his sins.
The people in "Wall-E" are hedonists.
Amy is very effervescent when she drinks Mountain Dew.
The Gap and Old Navy amalgamated when the companies combined.
He was dogmatic during his argument, but he was wrong.
The hypnotist made her patient dormant.

Well there's all the words don't know what else to write about so........ Stay Classy San Diego!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Entry 24

Kinda mad we had to stop SSR today. My book was right in the middle of a bear attack. I'm reading "The Haymeadow". This book is by Gary Paulsen, the only author I read from. It's about a boy who has to take hundreds of sheep up in the mountains for the summer and take care of them. Ever since he's got there he's had nothing but trouble. From flash floods, coyotes, wounded dogs, and now a bear he's had a lot of trouble.

Stay Classy San Diago!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Entry 23

I don't know what to blog about so I'm gonna do those one things where you start with a word and end with the same word.

Swine Flu

That's the best word I could think of off the top of my head. I can't really think of anything else good that I haven't done before. I did these a lot in Mrs. Smith's class when we journaled.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Entry 22

The Wallander's were going on a vacation. They already had their itinerary for the trip. The were going to Mexico to visit their family. They were forced to leave Anne behind and stay over at the Sackett's house. Hopefully Sidney and Anne don't get in an altercation like they did last summer. If they get in anymore altercations I'm going to have to thwart them from each other so that Sidney doesn't get hood stomped.

Yeah well I don't know how I can use any of the other words.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Entry 21


My favorite celebrity has to be Larry The Cable Guy. I think all his movies are really funny, they also kind of remind me of myself.

Probably my favorite movie from him is Witless Protection or Delta Farce.


Another one of my favorite celebrities is Jason Statham. He is one of my favorite actors. My favorite movie that he is in is Crank.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blog #20

To me it seems like the TV media likes to display the idea of the ideal man and woman. Most of these examples come from commercials. A lot of the commercials are soap of shampoo commercials that portray a naked man or woman. These commercials are made to get the attention of the people watching the TV so they can sell more of their project. Some news channels get bored and have nothing to report about so they start talking about American obesity. In these reports they show pictures of obese individuals walking down a sidewalk eating a cheeseburger or something. They try to explain how we need to eat healthy and loose weight so we live longer. This goes the same with weight loss commercials trying to sell their products. They like to show pictures of their clients before and after they use the weight loss products. One more thing that I can think of is like a bowflex commercial that shows men and women that are fit and toned with a nice body. With this they can portray what the ideal person should look like.