Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October 26 Entry 13

Prompt 231- List the 7 worst things to say to a person who just got dumped.

1. You deserved it!
2. Who cares he never liked you anyways!
3. I don't blame him for dumping you, I wouldn't go out with you either!
4. I'm surprised he said yes from the start!
5. At least he won't have to deal with you anymore!
6. He'll save a lot of money now!
7. Get over it!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Entry 11

Once upon a time there was a congenial duck. This duck was always ecstatic to see his friends. The only problems were that he was aloof from them because he lived so far away. He was always very tedious in trying to cajole his friends into flying out to his place. He was zealous in always seeing his friends but he was ominous to fly during hunting season. He decided that he will get up early in the morning and fly to his friends before the hunters get out. So he will just have to be an ennui's lonely duck until tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Entry 10

Persuade someone not to eat fast food.

Well I would never do this because I would be a hypocrite. Fast food is good even though it may be unhealthy. Fast food is my lunch at least once a week if not more. I think its up to parents to teach their kids healthy food choices at a young age.